Fundraising is often critical to the success of a school trip. It not only offsets the cost for each student, but also imparts valuable life lessons in the process. Students who are involved in fundraising throughout the school year learn discipline and improve their work ethic. As a result, they also gain a greater appreciation for the trip and the knowledge that their hard work helped to make the trip possible. But fundraising doesn’t need to be boring! Here are 5 fun ways to raise money for your upcoming school trip:
1. Walk-a-Thon: This fundraiser is a “two birds, one stone” option! Fundraise while getting in shape for your student trip! Walking is the best way to see a city, so why not host a walk-a-thon! This can be held at the school track. Students can collect donations or receive pledges per unit of distance walked (e.g. $5/half mile). Host after school or on a Saturday during the early fall. This is a great way to spend a Saturday outside with the community!
2. Cow Patty Bingo: A cow is turned loose on a field or fenced-in area which has been marked off in several hundred three-foot, numbered squares. The winner is determined when the cow makes its first “payment” on one of squares. Chances for each square can be sold for $1, $5, or $10. The winner receives either $500 or 20% of the sales, whichever is less.
3. Coffee House: Host a student talent show or open mic night in the school gym. All talents welcome, from bands to singing to juggling. Serve coffee, tea, and baked goods. T-shirts for the event (designed by another student) can be sold as well. Charge admission, with presale tickets at a discounted rate. Post sign-up sheets in the cafeteria or outside the school office.
4. Student/Faculty Basketball Game: Host a basketball (or other sports tournament) at the school. Student teams play each other in a tournament with the bracket winners playing in the championship game against the faculty. The tournament should be coordinated by the fundraising students. Charge per person for tournament player entry as well as to spectators watching the games. With enough coordinating students, a concession stand can also be run.
5. Movie Night: Host a movie night at the school with a projector of large screen TV either in a large room or on the football field. Ask for donations or charge for entrance and refreshments. Some groups have shown movie marathons! With a request to the producers, movies can sometimes be obtained to show as a premier before the movie opens in theatres. Allow time for socialization before and after the movie.
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