Rooming List
Your rooming list is one of the most important documents for your trip (photo

The rooming list is one of the most important documents that you will complete in preparation for your trip. It can also be confusing. Hotels use the rooming list to not only assign the correct people to the same room but they also use the rooming list as blueprint for where the rooms should be located relative to each other. The order is important.  Therefore,  great consideration and care should be taken when filling out your rooming list.

Important Aspects to Consider:

1. Rooming lists should be typed. Handwriting can be misinterpreted or difficult to read, which can lead to confusion in planning and during the trip. To help the trip run smoothly, type the names on your rooming list. The document can be saved locally on your computer and emailed to your travel consultant. Click to see a completed rooming list example.

2. Each block on the rooming list is considered one room. If four students are assigned to one room, type each name on a separate line within the same block. Move to the next block for the next room of students.

3. The hotel will assign room numbers in the same order as the rooming list. Place groups of students on the rooming list where you want them in relation to each other on the hotel floor. If you do not want boys’ rooms next to girls’ rooms, do not place them next to or near each other on the rooming list. We request hotels maintain the order of the rooming list. Hotels can never guarantee the order, but work to maintain the requested order of rooms if possible. Click to see a completed rooming list example.

4. Intersperse chaperone rooms among student rooms for best supervision. Do not fill out the first or last several blocks of rooms with chaperones. You may end up with all of the chaperone rooms at the end of a hallway. For best supervision, intersperse chaperone rooms amongst the students instead of clumping them together. Remember, the hotel views your rooming list as your desired layout of rooms.

5. All chaperones should be indicated on the rooming list with -CHAPERONE. For example, JOHN SMITH-CHAPERONE. By indicating chaperones in this manner, tour leaders and night-time security can refer to the list and easily find your room in an emergency. Hotels also want to know which rooms have students and which rooms have adults. Click to see a completed rooming list example.

6. Rooming lists are due to Scholastica Travel 45 days prior to your trip. It is extremely important that we receive your rooming list 45 days prior to departure. This finalizes your hotel reservation.

Ready to complete your rooming list? Click to download a rooming list form. 

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