
You have just returned from an outstanding group tour and your students are filled with excitement. Now that you are back in the classroom, what can you do to help your students process all that they experienced? Here are five things that you can do as a class to solidify all that you learned and share your experience with others:

1. Write: By taking the time to write about their travels, students will actively reflect on their experience and process what they have learned. This can be in the form of a class essay assignment or even as a guest blog post right here on the Scholastica Travel blog. If your students are interested in publishing on this blog, please send an email to The editor can assist in topic ideas, if needed.

2. Create a Video: As a class, create a video that captures your group tour experience. The video can be created from live footage taken during the trip or as a slideshow of student pictures. Have students vote for and select the background music that matches the fun and learning they experienced.

3.  Flat Stanley Project: Take a stowaway with you during your group tour. Students will love taking pictures with Flat Stanley throughout their travels. When you return, students can collaborate to write about and share their experience with younger students.

4. Class Presentation: Have the current travelers create a trip presentation that they will then give to next year’s class. This will build excitement for next year’s explorers while helping the current students process their experience and share what they learned.  You can even play the video that they created! Students will enjoy having a captive audience that they can share their trip with, and next year’s

5. Publish in the Newspaper: Share the purpose of your trip and the effects that traveling has had on your students with the greater community. Publish an article in the local paper! Select your favorite group picture from your travel and accompany the picture with excerpts from the student travel essays.