School Trip Meeting ” I wonder how long this will last… I need to pick up my son  from soccer practice in 30 minutes…”

Parents often enter school trip meetings frazzled and with a million things on their mind. The school trip meeting is  just one more item to cross off the list.

Bring everyone’s attention back into the room by using one of these 3 simple attention-grabbing strategies at the start of the meeting.

Express Efficiency as a Priority

  • After you welcome everyone to the parent trip meeting, state openly that you, “highly value everyone’s time as well as my own. I appreciate your assistance in staying on topic and on task.”
  • Making this statement will definitely grab the attention of the parents in the room. You are conveying respect both for the parents and their time, something greatly appreciated by those in attendance.
  • Follow-up this statement with an organized agenda. Do your best to steer the meeting conversation to the agenda topic at hand while maintaining respect for the parent speaking.

Begin with the End in Mind

  • Bring attention to the real reason you are running this trip, student learning and fun!
  • Show a video of students from last year’s trip answering the question,  “What did I learn on my school trip?”
  • Video not your thing? Have students from a past trip write short responses to the question and put them in a hat.  Have a few parents draw from the hat and read the responses aloud for the room.

Toss in Sweet Treats

  • In preparation for the meeting, set trip information at each seat. Place candy with each set of information. A little sugar boost goes a long way for audience attention and will be appreciated at the end of a long day. Insider tip: Don’t put candy in a bowl. People will be more likely to pass it up out of modesty than if placed at their seat.

Staying efficient, informative, and respectful are your keys to a successful school trip meeting. Good luck!

More School Trip Meeting Resources

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