About the Author: This is a guest post by Schneider Amilcar. He is 14 years old and nearing the end of his eight grade year at Millbrook Middle School. He shared that he likes to make jokes with his friends and play video games in his free time.
What I Learned on My 8th Grade Trip
Hello, my name is Schneider Amilcar, and I want to tell you about my experience at Washington D.C. My 8th grade trip was truly amazing.
On this trip, we visited many museums and memorials, such as the Air and Space Museum and the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial. At the Air and Space Museum, we got to see many planes and fighter jets that were life-sized models. We even got to go into a fighter jet simulator, in which you were in a jet, and the goal was to get as many kills as possible before the time ran out. You were able to move side to side and go upside down in the simulator. Although it cost me $8, it was extremely fun.
At the Martin Luther King Jr., I got to see the statue and why it is the way it looks. It was very interesting. Another memorial that we went to was the Holocaust Museum. It was interesting to learn more about Hitler and the Nazis and how they rose to power. It was also upsetting to find out about some of those who died in the Holocaust.
In my opinion, one of the more fun events on this trip was the dinner cruise on the Potomac. The food was great and it was nice to meet other people from different schools. I especially liked watching the water from the edge of the boat as it moved.

Although there were many fun events on this trip, it came with a great deal of responsibility. I had to make sure my belongings weren’t laying around in the hotel room for my friends to claim for themselves. Two of us in the room had to have a room key at all times, and we had to plan our time in the bathroom. Two of us took a shower at night while the other two took a shower in the morning. We didn’t want to waste time and miss breakfast, so we had to make sure we were awake early enough so that we had time to go in the bathroom. We also had to make sure that we didn’t break anything and that we weren’t too loud at night. It sounds like a lot, but my friends and I handled it just fine.
Each night, I would call my parents and tell them how I was and about my day. I told them that I would love to go on a trip like this again someday with my friends. Overall, I had a great experience on this trip, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who has the chance next year.
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