Welcome to Scholastica Travel’s blog. Allow me to introduce you to the company. We have been in the travel industry for over 30 years. John Weir began this business in a humble office building (not really an office, more of a house in a little village!) with only one employee. They worked very hard to expand the business and in 1982, John hired an 18 year old kid right out of high school. That would be me. Back in the “old” days, we didn’t have computers and fax machines. Everything had to be done old-school (typewriters and snail mail!). Can you imagine? How things have changed!
To further introduce you to us, I decided to ask questions of my fellow employees which will be featured here. For today’s focus, I went straight to the top to profile our President, Ann Prinkey.
Ann began working here in 1983. She was referred by her sister who had started the previous year. When asked what made her decide to accept the job, she says, “My sister was willing to pick me up from school to work in the afternoon!! 🙂 The job sounded very interesting, and I was able to use the skills that I was learning in the business department.” Ann’s job responsibilities included typing itineraries, counting vouchers, and helping with any jobs needing done. She was trained as a reservationist, then as a sales person, then as Vice President, which led to her current position as President. She is very grateful to our boss who had confidence in her ability to handle the position. Ann credits her great team for helping make that job easier. She enjoys the nice work environment. Ann goes on to say, “As per our mission statement, I enjoy helping create lasting memories and being a positive benefit to those I serve!” Words to live by in our business.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know Ann. You’ll have to stay tuned to find out who’s next!