Christmas is my favorite holiday. I just love this time of year. You get to see wonderful light displays and decorations, listen to Christmas music, host and/or attend parties and get-togethers, and enjoy the gift of giving. I do admit to being a grinch sometimes; when you have a large family, buying gifts gets pricey! But I love to give something, even if it’s only a token of appreciation.
This time of year brings out the best in people. When you walk through the crowded malls and stores, people are smiling and helpful. Well, most are. I so enjoy seeing young people helping the elderly, those smiling faces who usually brave the cold, blustery weather to ring the Salvation Army bell, little faces light up at the sight of Santa, older faces lighting up when a group of merry singers comes to visit. Yes, times are tough and we are busier than ever. Even so, we all should take some time to give of ourselves for the benefit of others. You will be surprised how good it makes you feel!
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!