Marching BandTravel

3 Things Your Marching Band Trip Budget Must Include

By November 18, 2015 February 16th, 2018 No Comments


Marching Band Trip Budget

What MUST be included in a marching band trip budget?

Determining what is a realistic cost per student is an important part of a marching band trip budget.  However, there are other factors to consider that are often overlooked before formal trip preparations begin.


Important  Marching  Band  Trip  Budget  Items


Start with Seed Money

Be sure to have money in your band bank account even before you announce your marching band trip and formal planning is underway. This seed money is often needed for immediate costs, including registration and application fees. These fees can be built into the package price for band members and recovered later. However, initial money is often needed to secure your performance opportunity.


Consider Your Staff

How many staff members will be traveling with your marching band in addition to your chaperones? How will their costs be covered? Will they be traveling for free or will they pay a portion of the trip fee? The answers to these questions may significantly affect the cost of the trip for paying participants. Have a solid grasp on the answers at the start of trip planning.


Determine Your Instrument Transportation

How will your instruments get to your destination? Will they travel in the luggage compartment of the motor coach? Will a separate truck be rented or donated? Will they be checked on the airline?  Determining how your instruments will travel at the outset of your planning is very important for your marching band trip budget.


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