How it Works:

When you refer another group to Scholastica Travel – and the group takes an overnight trip with us – your group AND the referred group each receive $500 of trip credit.

To be eligible for the Give $500 Get $500 program:

  • Referred groups must be new to Scholastica Travel.
  • Both groups must be traveling for 2 days and 1 night or longer.
  • Both groups must also be traveling within 12 months of each other.

Trip credits are awarded upon the completion of the referred group’s first trip only. The plan is also contingent on the groups being paid in full.

Depending on each group’s travel timeline, trip credits can be awarded as a refund check, a deduction from the group’s final trip invoice, or a credit applied towards a future trip with Scholastica.


No, groups do not need to travel to the same destination to receive the $500 trip credit.

No. The Give $500 Get $500 program applies to the referred group’s first trip only. To receive an additional trip credit, an additional referral is needed.

Send Out Your Invite

Your Friend Takes a Trip

You Both Get $500