

It’s the end of a long, wonderful day of touring and you can’t wait to get to bed. But first, all of your students need to be checked-in to the hotel and settled into their rooms. Yikes!

How do you do this as efficiently as possible?

Follow these 6 steps for a super smooth hotel check-in.


1. Communicate  the  Game  Plan  for  the  Next  Day.

While on the bus in the hotel parking lot:

  • Clearly explain when students will receive a wake up call, the location and time of breakfast, and what time students need to be on the bus the next morning.
  • Remind students of what they will need to bring with them on the following day.
  • Describe the weather forecast for the next day. Do students need an umbrella?
  • Communicate what time is “lights out” and any other criteria for the evening.


2. Remind  Students  of  Hotel  Etiquette.

While on the bus in the hotel parking lot:

  • Remind students that they are not the only guests staying in the hotel. Encourage moving through the hotel very quietly out of respect for the other guests.
  • Remind students to store their valuables in a safe place during their stay.
  • Hotel room doors are often very heavy. Encourage students to be mindful to shut doors quietly and not to let them slam.


3. Strategically  Station   Your   Chaperones

  • One chaperone can unload the luggage from the bus with their assigned students.
  • Station one chaperone in the hotel lobby near the elevator or stairwell to direct students and encourage quiet.
  • Station one chaperone  on the room floor to direct students and maintain order.


4.  Dismiss  Students  by  Room

  • Keep students seated on the bus until their room is called.
  • When their room is called, give one student in the group the room key. Students will then pick up their luggage that has been unloaded and make their way to their room.
  • Dismiss rooms at approximately 2 minute increments to avoid long lines at the elevator and added chaos.


5. Confirm   that   Students   Have   What   They   Need.

  • Have students prop their door open with a piece of luggage.
  • Check that each room’s keys are working and that students have enough towels, pillows, etc.
  • Communicate with the tour leader if anything is needed from the front desk.


6.  Conduct    Final   Checks   and   Meet   Nighttime   Security.

  • Tell the tour leader what time to schedule the wake-up call.
  • Meet the nighttime security. The tour leader will introduce you to the night supervisor when he/she arrives at the hotel.
  • Confirm that all students are in their assigned rooms.

Then, it’s time to call it a night! Rest up for the next exciting day. You earned it!


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