Summer is quickly approaching! Maximize your school trip planning while minimizing your effort by taking these 5 steps.
1. Send Travel Dates to Scholastica Travel
Before school ends, send your next travel dates to Scholastica Travel. Our team will make the appropriate reservations and bookings during the summer months. You will start the school year with a price, itinerary, and trip confirmations in hand. It doesn’t get easier than that!
2. Reflect on Your Last School Trip
Think about your last school trip. How could it be even better? Would you like to make changes to the itinerary? Hold parent meetings earlier or more often? Prepare chaperones in a different way? Write down these ideas while they are fresh in your mind. You can come back to them again when the school year begins.
3. Bookmark Alternate Lesson Plans
Consider alternate lesson plans that build engagement for your travel destination. Many destination sites offer free lesson plans that align with national standards. Bookmark one of the following pages to revisit later this summer.
- Washington DC Lesson Plans
- New York City Lesson Plans
- Chicago Lesson Plans
- Philadelphia Lesson Plans
- Atlanta Lesson Plans
- Boston Lesson Plans
- Pittsburgh Lesson Plans
4. Consider New Fundraisers
Fundraisers could always be better, either in ease of facilitation or in earning more money for your students. Consider trying out a new fundraiser for your next school trip. Bookmark our fundraising idea page or share it with your fundraising coordinator.
5. Set a Date for your First Parent Meeting
Put a date on the calendar for your first parent trip meeting before the school year ends. This will set all your travel plans in motion when you return to school. And if the mood strikes you this summer, you could begin preparing a meeting announcement letter to parents since all details are in place.
Ready to plan your school trip? Click the button below to get started!