Will you be traveling soon with a student group by motorcoach? These must pack items should be included in a kit and placed on each bus. Must pack items cover student care, organization, and fun! Taking these advanced preparations will make the journey to and from your destination comfortable and smooth.

Must  Pack Items:  Student Care

1. Participant Waivers
2. Bottled water (1 bottle per student per day is recommended)
3. First aid kit
4. Paper towels
5. Tissues / Kleenex
6. Trash bags
7. Disposable gloves (in case of unforeseen spills or sickness)
8. Hand sanitizer
9. Wet wipes
10. Medicines (Dramamine, Tylenol, Advil)
11. Peppermints (for motion sickness)
12. Toilet paper
13. Febreeze or alternative air freshener
14. Feminine products (Sanitary napkins and tampons)

Must Pack Items: Organization

15. Bus roster with assigned chaperone groups
16. Bus sign with your school name to put in the window
17. Parent contact information for each student
18. Additional copies of the itinerary

Must Pack Items: Fun on the Bus

19. Destination specific movies

20. Time-passing activities

Preparing for all circumstances, whether it be motion sickness or slow traffic, will keep your travels smooth and enjoyable.  Create a kit of these must pack items for the lead teachers on each bus.