parent meeting agenda

It’s time for your first school trip parent meeting!

You have your approved proposal in hand, your fundraisers have been decided, and your payment schedule has been outlined. It’s time to present your school trip to a roomful of parents!

But how should you organize your material? How can you address all that you need to in the time that you have?

Having a set parent meeting agenda, distributed in advance or at the start of the meeting, can go a long way towards covering your topics in a timely manner and answering everyone’s questions.

School Trip Parent Meeting Agenda Sample

Meeting Date:

Start Time:

End Time:

Materials Distributed: Meeting Agenda, Itinerary, Payment Timeline, Fundraising Information

  1. Why are we taking a trip?
    • Address what this trip has meant to students over the years. Share your observations of students’ key takeaways. Share why you are making the effort to plan this trip and the value that it adds.
  2. Why [Enter Destination Here]?
    • Address your reasons for choosing this destination city. Does it build upon the curriculum? Is a performance opportunity available? Share why this destination will offer a great experience for students.
  3. Which company are we traveling with and why?
    • Share that you will be traveling with Scholastica Travel, a company that has specialized in educational travel since 1980. Share additional reasons for your choice. 
  4. What about safety?
    • Next, share that Scholastica Travel has a 24-hour emergency assistance line and that lanyards are provided so that students have easy access to this number. Address that Scholastica only books with student-safe hotels and also provides nighttime supervision at the hotel. Explain that the tour leader will be traveling with the group for the trip duration (including staying at the hotel) and will be available for assistance whenever needed. More regarding safety
  5. Where are we going?
    • Walk through the current itinerary or provide a list of highlighted sites. 
  6. How much will it cost?
    • Present the cost of the trip,
  7. What is included in this price?
    • Discuss the itemized list of inclusions – hotel, motorcoach transportation, tour leader services, nighttime security, attractions, tickets, meals, insurance, etc.
  8. When do we need to pay?
    • Discuss the payment method options and the payment schedule. 
  9. How will we raise the money?
    • Present the fundraising plan and calendar. Distribute fundraising materials as needed. 
  10. Other questions?
    • Finally, give parents the opportunity to ask additional questions
  11.  Next meeting 
    • Provide the date, time, and location of the next school trip meeting. 

Related Resources:

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