new group leader

In this four part series on teacher retirement, we cover the following topics:


Shadow Previous Group Leader

If possible, shadow the retiring group leader during the planning stages of their last trip. This will give you a great preview of what to expect, what questions to ask, what information you will receive, due dates, fundraising, etc. Ask to be copied on email correspondence to Scholastica Travel or other trip staff. You can refer back to the messages to see relative timelines for decisions, paperwork, etc.


Schedule Next Trip Dates Prior to Travel

Before you travel on the last trip with the retiring group leader, send the trip dates for the next school year to Scholastica Travel. This will give you a powerful jumpstart to your planning. Scholastica will prepare a proposal that will be ready for you when you return from the trip. With the trip fresh in your mind, you will be ready to take the next steps as group leader.


Ask Questions During Trip

Approach the trip as if you were the group leader. Think through the processes and decisions during the trip as if you were leading. Should you have any questions, the retiring group leader is there to answer them. Take advantage of this mentorship opportunity!


Stick to the Itinerary from Previous Year

During your first year as group leader, we encourage you to stick with the same itinerary as the previous year. The familiarity of the itinerary will serve you well as you plan your first trip. You will know what to expect, how much time you spend at each site, and the relative procedures throughout each day of the trip.


Announce Trip Dates to Students

Don’t delay announcing the trip dates to your students! The earlier, the better. An early announcement lets parents budget their money and block off their schedules. This increases the likelihood of more students attending the trip. It’s a win-win.


Decide Fundraising Coordinator

If you will not be leading the fundraising efforts, decide who will be in charge. Then, set up a meeting to talk over a fundraising game plan. Since you already requested a proposal from Scholastica, you will have a price for the trip ready to go and will be able to direct your efforts accordingly.


Schedule Date for First Parent Meeting

Put a date for the first parent trip meeting on the school calendar. This will keep the momentum going! If your meeting will take place at the beginning of the school year, let parents know the date before school lets out for the summer. So many meetings happen at the start of the school year. Advance notice will help yours to have priority.



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